Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 7/17/24

Year: 2024

Araştırma Makaleleri


The aim of the journal is to conduct research on international and strategic areas of interest to our country.

The Journal of Avrasya Dosyasi aims to contribute to the development of scientific publication and broadcasting, mainly in social sciences, but with strategic areas that concern our country as a focal point. As the name suggests, the journal focuses on international strategic issues. The Journal of Avrasya Dosyasi will be published in two issues, in June and December each year. In addition, a special issue may be published each year. Calls for articles for special issues will be made through the journal site and mail groups.

The Journal of Avrasya Dosyasi carries out its studies in order to present original researches to Turkish science and politics based on the founding principles of the Republic of Turkey.

The limited number of journals with international standards in scientific studies and academic evaluation criteria in the field of social sciences has been the common starting point of the editorial board. It is expected that the articles to be accepted to the Journal of Avrasya Dosyasi will come from social sciences related to strategic issues concerning Turkey. In the articles to be published in the Journal of Avrasya Dosyasi, the authors are required to use an academic style, apply the determined spelling rules and comply with the scientific ethical rules. Original articles, translations and book reviews in Turkish, English and other European languages can be sent to the Journal of Avrasya Dosyasi.

1. The Journal of Avrasya Dosyasi publishes Turkish and English summaries of articles. For this reason, a Turkish Abstract and an English Abstract not exceeding 200 words must be included in the articles.

2. In order for the articles to be indexed, 4-5-word Keywords should be added under the abstracts in Turkish and English.

3. In addition to the Turkish and English abstracts, an extended English summary of 1500-2000 words should be added at the end of the articles in accordance with international standards. (Extended English abstract is not required for articles in English.)

4. The article should not contain any name or institution information about the author. Since our journal will use the Blind Referee System, attention should be paid to this issue.

5. Avrasya Dosyasi uses the Dergipark system. In order to upload an article to the journal, you must first register. After you have registered, you must send your articles via e-mail to avrasyabirvakfi@gmail.com. You will be informed about the referee and publication stages of the article via e-mail.

6. The articles submitted to the journal should not have been published before or should not be in the evaluation process of another journal at the same time. Symposium papers can be published in our journal, provided that this issue is reported.

7. Avrasya Dosyasi Journal uses plagiarism detection software to prevent scientific unethical uses. In accordance with the rules of scientific ethics, if there is a similarity of more than 15% with another publication, the articles will be returned to the author without being sent to the referee.

8. Researchers are free to view or download the articles published in the Avrasya Dosyasi. However, academic and publication principles and rules must be followed during citation.

9. Digital indexing of the journal is done with the LOCKSS system used by Dergipark.

10. Authors should prepare their articles in accordance with the following page layout:

- Paper Size: ENVELOPE C5 Vertical

- Margins: Top (2.5 cm), Bottom (2.5 cm), Left (2.5), Right (2.5)

- Beginning of Paragraph: 0.5 CM

- Block Quote: 0.5 cm from both sides.

- Font: Calibri

- Line Spacing: Single

- Font Size: 11 Pt (References and Block Quote: 10 Pt, )

- Paragraph Spacing: Bottom and Top 6 pt


The sources used in the article will be included under the "References" heading. The works in the bibliography will be shown in 10 points, as in the examples below.

- Babinger, Franz, Ottoman Historiographers and Their Works, Ankara 1992.

Uzunçarşılı, İsmail Hakkı, "The Case of Ali Suavi and Çırağan Palace", Belleten, 8/ 29 (1994), p. 70-118.

-YAVUZ, Fikrettin, The Armenian Question in the Foreign Policy of the Ottoman State: The 1896 Ottoman Bank Raid, Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Sakarya 2009.

- Namık Kemal, “Sick Man”, Hürriyet, 7 October 1868.
- “Arabs and Turks”, Tanin, April 8, 1910.
- The Times, 03 June 1867.

Archive Documents:
- BOA. HR. SYS. 36/77.
- F.O. 424/210.


Footnotes will be located at the bottom of the page. The sources to be included in the footnote will be as in the examples given below, where they first appear.

Footnote number, author's name and surname, title of the book, city of publication, publication date, referenced page number.
-Korkut Boratav, Turkish Economic History 1908-2002, Ankara, 2003, p.46.

-Cahit Bilim, “Translation Room”, OTAM, 1 (1990), p. 29.

-Zeynep İskefiyeli, The Place and Importance of the 1893 Ankara Courts in the Framework of the Armenian Question, Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Sakarya 2008, p. 50.

- Namık Kemal, “Sick Man”, Hürriyet, 7 October 1868.
- “Arabs and Turks”, Tanin, April 8, 1910.
- The Times, 03 June 1867.

Archive Documents:
- BOA. I. DUIT. 8/14 (Lef: If any).
- F.O. 424/217, Ramsay to Governor of India, 19 October 1908, Baghdad, no. 54, PRO.

Re-Referring to the Same Source:

- In previously cited books, theses and articles: author surname, ibid for articles, ibid for books. and for theses op. abbreviations, page number:
-Yavuz, ibid, p. 45.
- Science, ibid., p. 30.

Evaluation process

Preliminary assessment

Original articles, translations and book reviews can be sent to the Avrasya Dosyasi Journal.
All manuscripts sent to the journal are first evaluated by the editors. Manuscripts that are not within the scope of the journal's publication and that do not comply with the academic writing format in terms of content and stylistic conditions are rejected or some changes may be requested without starting the refereeing process. The result of the editorial review is notified to the author. No article can be accepted for publication by the editors without a positive referee report.

If the translations of the articles published in peer-reviewed academic journals in different languages are found suitable for the publication scope of the journal, they are checked by the language editors of the journal and published if the translation is found appropriate.

Plagiarism Scan

Plagiarism is a publication ethics violation that has been encountered quite frequently in academic circles recently. All articles, book reviews and translations submitted to the Avrasya Dosyasi Journal are subject to plagiarism scanning through plagiarism detection software in order to fight against plagiarism and to act in accordance with publication ethics. The software used for this purpose is the Turnitin Plagiarism Detection Program. If the similarity rate of the scanned article is above 15% in the scan to be made with the program, the article is rejected by the Editorial Board without being included in the referee process. The plagiarism report of the rejected article is also shared with the author. The rejected article will not be re-evaluated in any way. Research articles that are clean as a result of plagiarism screening are accepted to the referee process; translation and book introduction articles are reviewed by the editorial board.

Peer Evaluation (Double Stage Blind Referee System)

Every article that is sent to the Avrasya Dosyasi Journal for publication and passes the preliminary evaluation and plagiarism screening goes through the referee evaluation process specified below. At every stage of the process, a double-blind peer-review system is applied, where the names of the referees and authors are kept confidential.

The articles that pass the preliminary evaluation stage are sent to two referees determined by the Editor and/or Editorial Board from different institutions. Considering their areas of expertise, both the members of the editorial and advisory board of the journal and external academics can be determined as referees.

The referees evaluate the manuscripts sent to them in terms of originality, methodology, contribution to the literature, presentation of the findings and supporting the results, and benefiting from previous studies.

Referees may accept or reject the article or ask the authors to correct the format and/or content. In order for an article to be accepted for publication, at least two referees must give a positive opinion. If one of the referee reports is positive and the other is negative, the article is sent to a third referee.

In case the referee or referees request correction, the author sends the article again by completing the requested corrections within 15 days at the latest, taking into account the criticisms and suggestions made by the referees. Reviewers may request more than one correction for the same article.

The article that is not approved for publication by two referees will not be accepted for publication and the articles that are not accepted for publication are returned to their authors.

Referee reports are kept by the journal editor for 5 years.

Authors can object to the negative opinions of the referees, provided that they show evidence against the changes and corrections they want. This objection is reviewed by the Editorial Board and if necessary, a different referee's opinion is sought.

In order for their work to be published, the authors must take into account the opinions and suggestions of the referees and the Editorial Board.

The final evaluation is made by the Editorial Board for all the articles that are in the publishing phase with a positive opinion of the referees. Articles that are decided to be "published" by the Editorial Board are placed in the publication order.

Authors who submit articles to the Avrasya Dosyasi Journal are deemed to have accepted the aforementioned referee evaluation conditions and process.

Journal Policies

Open Access Policy

The Eurasian File - Journal of Strategic Studies follows an Open Access Policy in line with the paper prepared by the Budapest Open Access Initiative on 14 February 2002 in Budapest, Hungary. In the statement, open access is defined as:

In this statement, open access means that scientific literature can be accessed, read, recorded, copied, printed, scanned, linked to the full text, indexed, transferred to software and used for any legal purpose without financial, legal and technical barriers through the Internet. "used to mean."
Within the framework of this paper prepared in Budapest, the Journal leaves the restriction on reproduction-distribution and the role of copyright in this field to the authors to control the integrity of their work, to be properly recognized and cited.

The full text of the paper in Turkish is available at https://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org/translations/turkish-translation.

Copyright Policy

The authors who have published their works in the Avrasya Dosyasi - Journal of Strategic Studies have accepted the following conditions:

- All rights of the article belong to the author.

- The author complied with academic and ethical rules during the preparation of the article.

- Any copyright of a third party is not violated in the submitted article.

- The author does not scribble on another work, person or institution in his article.

- In this framework, the author retains the copyright of the work and gives the first publication right to the journal.

- The work is licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.0, which allows it to be shared by others, provided the author is identified and first published in this journal.

- The author may make separate contractual arrangements for the distribution of the published version of the work in the journal without full authorization (for example, sending it to an institutional database or publishing it in a book).

- Authors are encouraged to share their works online (for example, in an institutional database or on their own websites) before submitting to the journal or during the submission process; this can lead to both fruitful exchanges of ideas and earlier and higher citations (see Impact of Open Access).

- In the event that any legal action is initiated due to the information contained in the article, the responsibility is on the author of the article, not the journal staff. In this case, the financial damage and the costs of litigation and defense are the responsibility of the authors.

Privacy Statement

Names and e-mail addresses on this journal site will be used only for the stated purposes of this journal; It will not be made available for any other purpose or use by other people.

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Avrasya Dosyasi - Journal of Strategic Studies, based on the "Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors - 2011" of the Committee on Publication Ethics, determined the responsibilities of the editor, referee and author as follows:


The editor of the journal decides whether the submitted applications comply with the journal's principles and whether they will be published. While making this decision, it is decided not according to the race, gender, belief, nationality, political view of the author or authors, but according to the compliance, originality and importance of the submitted article with the publication policy. The journal editor cannot share personal information about the application and the author with third parties (such as referees, scientific committee members, publishers). Editors or referees cannot use the information and documents included in rejected or publication phase applications in their own research without the written permission of the author.


Reviewers should be fair, impartial and constructive when evaluating submitted work. The referees can suggest corrections to the authors in order to improve the manuscripts and eliminate possible errors. In order not to disrupt the publication process of the manuscript, the referees have to inform the editor when they think that they will not be able to evaluate the submitted manuscript or complete the review in due time. Referees are responsible for ensuring the security of the information and ideas contained in the submitted manuscripts. They cannot share this information with third parties or use it in their own research.


Works based on fake/fraudulent data are not acceptable. Authors must guarantee the accuracy and originality of the data. Written permission must be obtained from the relevant institution or person(s) for "data collection tool, tables, graphics, maps and other visuals" that belong to third parties and are copyrighted. Conditions accepted by the responsible author who sent the article are deemed to have been accepted by other authors as well. All authors who have made a meaningful contribution to the article should be added as a co-author to the work. Authors must agree to make reasonable corrections suggested by the reviewers and editors of the Chronicle. If the author refuses to make corrections without acceptable reasons, the article in question will be rejected. All authors are required to correct any errors in the submitted article and withdraw inaccurate information. When authors submit their articles, they continue to hold the rights of the published article. In case the article is published, they are deemed to have allowed their work to be copied, distributed and used for non-commercial purposes by third parties under the CC-BY-NC-SA 2.0 (Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share with Same License) license.

Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). (2011, March 7). Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors can be accessed at http://publicationethics.org/files/Code_of_conduct_for_journal_editors_Mar11.pdf

The Journal of Avrasya Dosyasi does not charge any fees from its authors.